
FESTEN by Thomas Vinterberg, Mogens Rukov & Bo Hr. Hansen

At Alma Theatre, since 30 October!

A familial celebration for the patriarch's 60th birthday will bring to the surface extreme revelations and devastating secrets, from which nobody will be able to escape unharmed. Family's seemingly harmonic relationships will be disturbed for good!

Based on the widely acclaimed, Dogme 95 film and play by Thomas Vinterberg, Mogens Rukov and Bo hr. Hansen and considered a masterpiece to the modern repertoire, this iconic work is an enthralling story with dark humor and riveting suspense, which will offer audiences an authentic theatrical experience!

Translation: A.Galeos
Direction:    Od.Papaspiliopoulos
Production: Prime Entertainment

THE ARTBASSADOR has licensed the Greek production, on behalf of the Agency Nordiska Aps, which represents the creators Thomas Vinterberg, Bo Hr. Hansen & Mogen Rukov and on behalf of the translator A.Galeos.