
FURIA by Lia Rodrigues

20 July 2022- 21 July 2022 Athens Epidaurus Festival, Peiraios 260 venue, 20 & 21 July!

Lia Rodrigues is a dancer/choreographer and Artistic Director of the Lia Rodrigues Dance Company, founded in 1990, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since 2003 her company is based in the favela of Maré, one of the biggest slums in Rio de Janeiro, developing a significant artistic and educational work.The company has built a solid reputation and has been invited to perform its repertoire in important festivals and dance institutions internationally.

This year Rodrigues participates in the Athens-Epidaurus Festival,  presenting “Furia”, a revolutionary work with nine dancers exploring fundamental human needs in a highly precise choreography, where contemporary dance meets Brazilian tradition.

THE ARTBASSADOR represents the creator-member of SACD, Lia Rodrigues.
