20 October 2021 56th DIMITRIA FESTIVAL THESSALONIKI STATE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AT THE THESSALONIKI CONCERT HALLThe 56th DIMITRIA FESTIVAL, presents a great music event! '' LOW / HEROES A HYPER-CYCLE BERLINOIS " a marvelous music performance based on the two Philip Glass' symphonies, which were inspired by "Low and Heroes", the first two albums of David Bowie’s mythical “Berlin trilogy”, adorned by the show The diary of Nathan Adler, written by Bowie himself.
Under the music direction of the conductor Harry Iliadis, theThessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra will perform the Philip Glass' symphonies at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
The ARTBASSADOR, provided the organizing company PARENTHESIS PC with the music material of the works of Philip Glass ''HEROES SYMPHONY No 4'' and ''LOW SYMPHONY No1'', on behalf of the Publishing House WISE MUSIC GROUP.