
MOVE OVER MRS MARKHAM by Ray Cooney & John Chapman

Αt Alekos Alexandrakis Theatre, since 16 January!

Chaos ensued when the Markham’s plans for an evening out were changed at the last-minute, while different sets of hopeful lovers come together in their supposedly empty flat!  And the party begins!

"Move Over Mrs. Markham", the famous play by the renowned creators, Ray Cooney and John Chapman is a fast-paced comedy at its best.

 Brimming with hilarious misunderstandings, unexpected twists, mistaken identities and many hopeful... lovers, this hit comedy will offer audiences an original entertainment to be remembered!

Translation: D.Papadopoulou
Direction: G. Lyras
Production: TEXNIXOROS

THE ARTBASSADOR has licensed the Greek production, on behalf of Ray Cooney Plays & John Chapman Plays Ltd, which represent R. Cooney's & J. Chapman's rights in this play, c/o the Agency Film Rights Ltd.
